Notable Forums

How much protein do cats and dogs need in their diets?
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What are the best sources of protein for cats and dogs?
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How much fat do cats and dogs need in their diets?
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What are the best sources of fat for cats and dogs?
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How much fiber do cats and dogs need in their diets?
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What are the most important vitamins and minerals for cats and dogs?
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What are the best sources of fiber for cats and dogs?
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How much water do cats and dogs need to drink each day?
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How often should I feed my cat or dog?
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Daniel Muri

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Alberto Alonso

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Deniz Kaya

Sometimes I can get answers easily by asking our pet's problems here.

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Pets Blogs

What You Didn't Know About Dogs

What You Didn’t Know About Dogs

Dogs are amazing creatures that have played an important role in human life for thousands of years. ...

SurprIsIng Facts About Dogs

Surprising Facts About Dogs

Dogs are one of the most beloved animals in the world, and for good reason. They are loyal, affectio...

A Comprehensive Guide to Canine Care and Training

Comprehensive Guide to Canine Care and Training

Taking care of a dog requires a lot of commitment, patience, and love. Here is a comprehensive guide...

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